Today, a family in our town, Providence Village suffered a house fire. The damage will displace the family for an undetermined amount of time. The Providence Village Hope Foundation is working towards meeting any needs of the family. You can donate directly to the PV Hope Foundation, to support families in need. The Hope Foundation will be collecting gift cards* for this family on Saturday, November 24th or Sunday, November 25th from 12 noon to 4 pm at the Providence HOA Clubhouse, 809 Oakcrest Drive, Providence Village.

**Gift Card donations are a direct donation to the Family of the Fire on Lexington and not the Providence Village Hope Foundation. Per federal internal revenue service guidelines, contributions to a 501(c)3 organization may be considered tax charitable donation. Federal and state laws limit the amount that may be deductible. Please consult your tax advisor. No goods or services were received in exchange for this donation.